Led Chaser Using The 555 and 4017 IC's

Some Of The Stuff I Posted On YouTube
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Led Chaser Using The 555 and 4017 IC's

Post by Neves »

This is a circuit that I spent quite a bit of time to get it to work properly.
For a while every circuit that I tried to copy on YouTube just didn't work for me for some reason and I searched and spent days building them with frustration ^#(*006

I did find a channel that explain in detail how the circuit works, so I fallowed what he did and finally got mine working ^#(*001

So in this post I'll show how to make a working 10 Led chaser using the 555 and 4017 IC's.

first we'll get the 4017ic part of it assembled. This way we can just consecrate on that for now.

Follow this diagram to do the connections.


Next we will get the 555ic ready, Take your time and follow this diagram.


Now you should have this setup (See image) If not, just go over everything until your circuit connections and component values match.


Now that that's done we will do the final connections to get the chaser running.
Follow this diagram to do your final connections.


There, If you did all the connections and used the same values that I show in the diagrams you should have a working chaser. ^#(*010

If your circuit does not work

If your Led's are skipping or only a few light up but you double checked your connections and your sure you connected everything as in the diagrams (Make sure your resistors are making good contact with the breadboard, the pins on 1/4w resistors are so thin that sometimes they don't make good contact with the breadboard)
Then your problem is one of the IC's are faulty, I had 2 brand new 4017ic's and one 555ic that were bad right out of the box while trying to get this chaser to work and it drove me crazy ^#(*004 because I stated to change resistor and capacitor values to no avail until I switched out the IC's.

At one point the 4017ic was bad and when I switched it out for a new one it still didn't work so after hours of fucking with resistors and capacitor's and checking connections
I come to find the the new 4017ic that I had put in was bad ^#(*009

Yeah, anyway if your connections are good then switch out one IC at a time to see which one is the problem.

By the way, If your into making circuits with the 555 and/or the 4017 IC's this is a really nice circuit to make and use as a 555 and 4017 IC checker

If you have any questions or want to upload your circuit diagrams just post them down below.
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